Neonyt und FASHN ROOMS starteten am 28. Januar 2023Zwei Messen, zwei Konzepte, zwei Hallen - parallel vom 28. bis 30. Januar 2023 in Düsseldorf: Neonyt, die relevanteste Plattform für Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation traf in ihrer neuen deutschen Heimat auf die FASHN ROOMS- See&Order, die internationale Messe für Fashion, Shoes & Accessories und ihr Showroom Concept.Neonyt and FASHN ROOMS kicked off on 28 January 2023Two trade shows, two concepts, two halls – held concurrently in Düsseldorf from 28 to 30 January 2023: Neonyt, the most relevant platform for sustainability and innovation met FASHN ROOMS -See&Order, the international trade show for Fashion, Shoes & Accessories and its Showroom Concept, at its new German “home”.
what we offer


To make your visit to our trade fairs as pleasant as possible, we offer you a range of services. We hope that you feel comfortable and have a great trade fair weekend in Düsseldorf!

BE Connected!


Our shuttle service connects TWODAYS at Areal Böhler during Düsseldorf Fashion Days with the shuttle point Karl-Arnold-Platz, Medienhafen, Halle 29/30, the main railway station, the airport and our partner hotels. For Edition #2, our shuttle service offers connections to all important hotspots in Düsseldorf as well as to our partner hotels.

SHOES DÜSSELDORF 2024:  Trends, Innovationen, Design, Retail Konzepte und Buyers Briefings Vom 1. bis 3. September 2024 verwandelte die SHOES DÜSSELDORF das Areal Böhler in ein inspirierendes Modeerlebnis, bei dem die Trends entdeckt werden konnten, die den nächsten Sommer prägen werden. Ein einzigartiger Mix: internationale Brands sowie interessante Newcomer.  
THE STAGE und EVENT AREA: Wissen, Trends und mehr Die SHOES DÜSSELDORF bot ein abwechslungsreiches Programm auf der STAGE in den ›Alten Schmiedehallen‹ und in der EVENT AREA in der ›Kaltstahlhalle‹. Unter dem Motto "Rising Retail & Event Concepts" standen innovative Retail-Konzepte im Mittelpunkt. Als Add on, hatten die Besucher*innen in dieser Area die Gelegenheit, ihr persönliches Shoppingerlebnis zu schaffen und sich eine kurze Auszeit bei einem Touch-Up für Hair & Make-Up zu gönnen oder den Look of The Day shooten zu lassen. SHOES DÜSSELDORF 2024:  Trends, innovations, design, retail concepts and buyers’ briefings From 1 to 3 September 2024, SHOES DÜSSELDORF transformed the Areal Böhler into an inspiring fashion experience where visitors could discover the trends that will shape next summer. A unique mix: international brands and interesting newcomers.  THE STAGE and EVENT AREA: knowledge, trends and more SHOES DÜSSELDORF offered a varied program on THE STAGE in the ›Alte Schmiedehallen‹ and in the EVENT AREA in the ›Kaltstahlhalle‹. Innovative retail concepts took centre stage under the motto ‘Rising Retail & Event Concepts’. As an add-on, visitors to this area had the opportunity to create their own personal shopping experience and treat themselves to a short break with a hair & make-up touch-up or to have the Look of The Day shot.


Enjoy your stay at NEONYT licensed by Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH in Düsseldorf in our nearby, sustainable partner hotels at special rates. Information on special conditions:
Ingrid Kahlfuss
+49 211 4396 302 or mail to:

Welcome to the Rheinland


Fashion, art & Rhenish hospitality – in addition to fashion, Düsseldorf also stands for art & architecture.In the middle of the 20th century, Düsseldorf developed into a fashion metropolis and is still an international economic center in the heart of Europe with a wide variety of industries.

Travel options as well as information about Düsseldorf and further hotel information is provided by our partner:


We guarantee you a very special appearance on
our website and in our marketing tools.
For further information,
please contact Christina Grell:

We are looking forward to new and
exciting cooperations with you!
