Program THE STAGE@Schleuse ZWEI

[ July 10, 2024 ]

SATURDAY, 27/07/2024

3.00 pm
Keynote. Refugees with skills. The Importance of choosing the right Social Fabric in the Fashion Industry. (EN)
Speaker: Yara Yassin, Founder Up-Fuse; Sarah Elgamal – International Marketing & Sales Manager at Up-fuse 

3:30 pm
Düsseldorf – A sustainable city.
How can we bring sustainability to our city?
Speaker: Ole Friedrich, Managing Director Düsseldorf Tourismus GmbH
Anne Metzler, upcycling designer & owner of Planet Upcycling
Moderation: Ulrike Kähler, Managing Director Igedo Exhibitions

4.00 pm
Keynote: Warum wir alle Fashion-Aktivist:innen werden sollten.
Speaker: Lavinia Muth, Un)Sustainability Consultant & Provocateur

4.30 pm
Green New Deal – Laws & best practices in the fashion industry. (EN)Organised by Fabriek Fris (NL) & Green Product Award (DE)
Speaker: Rosan van Boven, Fabrik Fris & Co-Founder Anderlus
Nils Bader, Director Green Future Club & Initiator Green Product Award


SUNDAY, 28/07/2024

11:00 am
Keynote. Green Claims Training by Cosh! (EN)
Speaker: Niki De Schryver – CEO COSH!

3.00 pm
How to buy less but better? (EN)
Speaker: Niki De Schryver – CEO COSH!
Lynn Mikolajczak – Founder The Aquired Digital Wardrobe App

3:30 pm
Magazine launch. BUY GOOD STUFF. Your local guide to sustainable and fair fashion in Düsseldorf (AMD Akademie Mode & Design)
Speaker: Prof. Daniela Göller, Chair of History and Theory of Design
Prof. Ina Köhler, Professor of Fashion Journalism
Birgit Schwitalla, Lecturer AMD Akademie Mode & Design

SUNDAY, 28/07/2024

11:00 am
Keynote. Green Claims Training by Cosh! (EN)
Speaker: Niki De Schryver – CEO COSH!

3.00 pm
How to buy less but better? (EN)
Speaker: Niki De Schryver – CEO COSH!
Lynn Mikolajczak – Founder The Aquired Digital Wardrobe App

3:30 pm
Magazine launch. BUY GOOD STUFF. Your local guide to sustainable and fair fashion in Düsseldorf (AMD Akademie Mode & Design)
Speaker: Prof. Daniela Göller, Chair of History and Theory of Design
Prof. Ina Köhler, Professor of Fashion Journalism
Birgit Schwitalla, Lecturer AMD Akademie Mode & Design

4.00 pm
Let’s get loud. And proud.
A plea for more sustainability in fashion, contemporary values and individual style.
Speaker: Lavinia Muth, Un)Sustainability Consultant & Provocateur
Ina Köhler, Professor for Fashion Journalism
Tobias Reuter Head of Corporate Branding YVZ Denim
Moderation: Mirjam Smend, Greenstyle

4.30 pm
Repair it! How repair is conquering the mainstream. The challenge of making repairing clothes easy and suitable for everyday use for the masses.
Speaker: Dr. Monika Hauck, Founder & CEO, Repair Rebels GmbH & Change Room
Antonia Pröls, Content Creator Goldschool DIY
Corinna Schmitz, Senior Marketing Manager Prym


@Workshop Area, 3rd floor
SAT & SUN, 27 – 28/07/2024
All day long: Save your clothes. Prym shows you how.
3.30 pm-5.30 pm: DIY special. Create your own iron-on patches.